6 Easy Next-level Ways to Detoxing Your Body This Spring
Looking to recharge your batteries this spring?
What better way to kickstart the warm weather than with a spring detox? Detox has become such a buzzword, and for a good reason.
But before we dive into it, complete this sentence:
Detox to me is…
- A green smoothie
- A juice detox
- A 7-day cleanse challenge
- Weight loss
- None of the above
- All of the above
Oftentimes, detoxes are associated with quick-fix juice cleanses. Sadly, the holistic angle of detoxing the mind, body, and soul together as one whole system is largely overlooked by the multibillion-dollar detox industry.
To give you a head start on your spring detox goals, today, we’re discussing six ways that will help you with a holistic detox.
Keep scrolling if you are ready for a spring reset.
Start a Mind, Body, & Soul Spring Detox With These 6 Steps
1. Detox Subconscious Beliefs With Chakra Balancing
Silent and subtle, yet ever-present, our subconscious mind is way more powerful than we can imagine.
Psychologists have studied its effects on the conscious mind and have understood that it controls us in ways beyond our everyday awareness (unless we choose to become aware of it).
Working on your chakras is a great way to directly access the subconscious mind and emotions, limiting self-beliefs, unaware thought patterns embedded within it.
Which chakras of yours are blocked? How do you know? What are some tell-tale signs?
Read Understanding Chakra Blockages to learn more about your chakra health.
Once you know where your energy flow is stagnant, it’s time to take action!
An imbalance in chakra energy can be restored with essential oils, music, crystals, emotional awareness, daily chakra affirmations, color therapy…… the list is long!
2. Inhale & Exhale Your Way Through a Spring Detox
No points if you guessed that deep breathing is beneficial for lowering anxiety and stress. But did you know? Breathwork is, in fact, a powerful tool for detoxification.
Breath is what connects mind and matter. Breathwork combined with visualization has the ability to release negative emotions, in addition to accumulated toxins within your body.
Wim Hof Method, pranayama, or any other popular breathwork techniques all point to one fact – silencing the mind and oxygenating your body is great news for toxin elimination.
Will you give it a try?
3. Watch Your Screen Time
What else is new, right? We’ve heard this more than once!
Whether you’re a social media content creator or content consumer, or both, don’t we all know that we need to watch our screen time? And yet, for some of us, cutting down screen time is a serious struggle!
In this digital tech-savvy age, social media detox is an actual mind detox. It’s two birds with one stone:
- Lowered screen time.
- An opportunity to assess if the content you are consuming is truly resonating with you.
Incessant social media scrolling can easily make us forget that we indeed have a choice of what content to follow/subscribe to.
Make a plan for what you will do with your time while you are detoxing. This can be a great opportunity to refocus your priorities on health, fitness, a creative project, or whatever task is staring back at you from your pending to-do list.
Read How to Stop Doomscrolling to understand better the effects of social media time on your wellbeing.
4. Social Circle & Relationship Detox
This one is pretty hard! We know!
Real-life social circle and relationships are nothing compared to unfollowing or unsubscribing a social media connection. You can’t just delete people out of your life in a blink! If only it were that easy.
That said, toxic people have a huge impact on mental health and your mind’s sanity overall.
Your vibe attracts your people. So, check and see what your vibe is. Also, do you resonate with your people?
Know that enforcing boundaries is important while you figure out where you stand with your relationships. Saying No does not make you a bad person!
5. Eat Real Food
Food out of a package, heavily processed to extend shelf life - is it even food?
Here’s the thing, sometimes we choose short-term convenience over health without realizing the effects of packaged food on our wellbeing.
Packaged food is bad news! I bet you already knew that! Preservatives and a whole laundry list of hard-to-pronounce chemicals can wreak havoc on our health. Additionally, even non-packaged so-called fresh food often is nutrient and mineral deprived, which can lead the body to be lacking multiple key nutrients.
Eating real and fresh food (farm to table is even better) helps support your body’s natural detoxification process. Gently supporting our organs of elimination goes a long way in promoting a natural full-body detox.
6. Add Dry Brushing to Your Spring Skincare
Dry brushing works great for removing surface-level dead skin. But more importantly, regular dry brushing away from your extremities in the direction of your heart has been proven to improve lymphatic drainage.
Your lymphatic system functions to serve as an immune system regulator and remove excess fluid retention from your tissues.
Ready to Begin Your Spring Detox?
We live in a world where toxins are everywhere – food, tap water, cosmetics, skincare products, toxic relationships, toxic levels of social media, and toxic negative emotions! An unfortunate rendezvous with them is inevitable at some point.
A regular holistic detox of the mind, body, and soul goes a long way in keeping these toxins at bay.
If you are all set to begin your spring detox….
Sorry to burst your happy bubble.
There is no such thing as a quick-fix detox. Crash diets, juice-only cleansers, tonics, and calorie deficit diets lead to hangry mood swings and health complications! Super intense detoxes are so passé right now.
Bottom line:
Be gentle because it’s what your body prefers. Do not deprive yourself. Remember, it’s all about the mind, body, and soul connection!
Happy detoxing!
Related article: The Negative Attitude Detox - Change Your Perspective in 10 Days