5 Gifts to Give to Yourself This Christmas
Be honest with yourself: when you do your Christmas shopping, how often do you think of gifts to give yourself?
This question is not posed to you with the intent to get you to think, “Hmm, maybe I should be splashing out on myself too!”
Rather, it is to encourage you to consider how you are just as worthy of the “giving” aspect as anyone else. The holiday season is a time for giving, which does not have to be exclusive to material things.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of emphasis around Christmas time on the aspect of gift-giving itself – of the perfect gift, of how much money to spend on others, on ensuring you have the prettiest, shiniest wrapping paper to wrap your presents in.
But it truly is the thought that counts, and it is important we remind ourselves of this regularly. Giving and materialism are not exclusive to one another.
Sometimes, it is the things that money can’t buy, which are the most precious.
Giving Yourself a Gift
So what can you give yourself this Christmas?
Think about what would truly make you happy. Remember, you know yourself better than anyone. You know what you need, as well as want.
A good way to think about what you can gift yourself this Christmas would be to arrange a time to do the following:
- Sit yourself down in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed.
- Make a list of the things you could get for yourself. Not material things that you have to buy, but things that will make you feel happy, peaceful, or content.
- Write down how you can give yourself these gifts.
5 Gifts to Give to Yourself This Christmas
It’s time to consider how you can give yourself a gift this holiday season. If you are having trouble thinking about this, don’t despair.
Below are five gifts you can give yourself this Christmas.
1. Time
Time is a precious gift, and often one we take for granted.
Being so caught up in the hectic and chaotic aspects of daily life, finding time for ourselves can be difficult. But the truth is that time is there for us if we want it to be.
It is what we choose to do with time that is often the issue, not time itself.
This Christmas, give yourself the gift of time. Think about how you can make more time for yourself or for your loved ones:
- What adjustments can you make to your working life to provide you with more time?
- What new thought processes can you employ to manage your time better?
- How can you manage time so that you bring maximum joy and happiness to your life?
Use your gift of time to create healthy habits: How to Develop a Habit of Daily Meditation
2. Self-Care
Self-care is another priceless and yet often neglected gift that we can give ourselves.
Self-care is simply doing things for ourselves that take care of our mind, body, and spirit. How often do you allow yourself a home pamper session? Can you set aside an hour a day to do something you enjoy, such as cooking up a fabulous meal for yourself or relaxing with a good book? How often do you stroll among nature to balance your internal energies?
Self-care is something that can be alien to many people’s daily routine. Think about how you can implement Christmas self-care into your routine this year.
Gift yourself a relaxing spa day: How to Create a Spa Day in Your Own Home
3. Self-Love
What is the difference between self-care and self-love?
Self-care is where you are doing things to look after your mind, body, and spirit, such as warm baths, nature walks, meditation, or enjoyable activities.
Self-love is where you remind yourself of all your wonderful qualities and tell yourself that you are an amazing, brilliant, worthy human being who deserves your love as much as anyone else.
The gift of self-love is truly precious because it nurtures our souls and boosts our spirits even during the darkest times. It is gifting to the soul, and this is a wonderful thing to do for yourself.
How can you gift yourself self-love this Christmas?
- Write down all the wonderful things about yourself.
- Repeat positive affirmations to yourself morning and night.
- Keep reminding yourself of how special you are!
You can also try: A Mindfulness Practice for Self-Love
4. Being Your True Authentic Self
We live in a world that very often demands us to be who we are not. Whether it is social demands, relationship demands, career demands, or any other type of demands, few feel they can truly be themselves.
But you came to this world as you for a reason. It is not to be somebody else. It is to be you.
Gift yourself the gift of simply being yourself as you move into 2021 – for it is one of the greatest gifts of all.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Learn more about this gift with: How to Actively Practice Radical Self-Acceptance
5. Saying “No”
Do you have trouble saying no?
If so, then this is one gift that you can truly bless yourself with this Christmas.
Saying no can be one of the hardest things to do. We don’t like to let people down or feel like we are disappointing them. We don’t like to see anyone struggle or feel that they are suffering in some way.
But when saying yes all the time ends up working to our detriment, this is when it is time to put ourselves first.
There is nothing wrong with putting yourself first. This does not mean you are selfish or uncaring – you know you are not. It is simply about taking care of yourself, just as much as you take care of others.
Gift yourself the gift of “saying no” – boundaries are important, and so are you.
Find out how to give yourself this gift with: 4 Signs You Need to Say “No” More Often
You Deserve the World
Christmas is a time for joy, happiness, giving, and pleasure. It is a time to remember the good things about this world and remind ourselves of the love and joy that exists within it.
This is one year when it is more important than ever to remind ourselves of the positives. Emphasizing this can remind us that we are deserving of our own kindness, love, and giving, as much as anyone else is.
Take time during this holiday season to think about the gifts you deserve, and remember – you do deserve them.
Related article: 6 Ways to be a Mindful Shopper This Holiday Season