Your 2019 Winter Solstice Soul Check-In
The 2019 Winter Solstice occurs this year on Saturday, December 21 in the Northern hemisphere.
This special day is an annual event that is not just a formal mention of the presence of cold temperatures. It is an ancient spiritual day of deep significance that offers us a psychological and emotional level is a rebirth. The ancients saw this as a time when the sun was reborn and the light inside each of us comes alive once again.
The winter solstice has traditionally been referred to as the Yule. We know that this is the shortest day of the year with the longest night of the year. It reminds us that light always follows darkness in our lives and brings an inner sense of hope to our emotional energy.
The good news for us is that during these months when have literally experienced more darkness, we also have been able to dig into the shadow aspects of ourselves. We can explore the parts of ourselves that we hide as the winter arrives allowing us to be free of the fears and open up to new experiences once again.
After our check-in, we are going to feel more optimistic, ready to live from our heart, and trusting in the plan of the universe.
Your Winter Solstice Soul Check-In
Everyone can sense a burst of energy in the stillness of the night and we can use this day to connect to our soul, find our spiritual center, and see how we can be more true to who we are.
We have a simple three-step soul check-in for you for this winter solstice 2019. So grab your journal, a pen, and find a cozy corner to nestle into so you can go within.
Step 1: See How Fear has Been Affecting You
The first thing you can do once you’re in a relaxed state is to ask yourself how fear has been affecting you over the last few months. Look at how it has been affecting your actions, your goals, and your mood.
Notice if the energy you had at the beginning of the year for new projects has become less pronounced over the last few months and how your perspective may have shifted. Notice if your attitude has changed your enthusiasm and if fear is affecting your decisions. This is all about your old patterns coming back so you can see how they still can grip your mind. If you’ve felt super confident and had no lull in energy, you’re doing better than most!
Take note of this energy change and check-in with the route on this emotion. Jot this down for future exploration and comparison in the months to come.
Step 2: Notice How You Feel When You’re in Touch with Your Soul
For everyone, regardless of how the last few months have felt, it’s refreshing to check back in with your soul to boost your emotions. We do that by setting our intention to see truth, to sense our spiritual wisdom, and to see beyond fear-based thinking.
Take a few deep breaths and sense that you’re surrounded by love. Feel that you’re connected to wisdom from the Universe because you’re a part of the Universe energetically. There is always a two-way communication going on between you and the Universe. You can always stop to send requests to help you stay positive or help you with any life situation. Think back to times when your own positive energy has made all the difference. Re-invite that positive, trusting, soul-connected energy into your heart now.
How do you feel when you reach inside yourself to investigate your soul? Write out your emotions and reactions in any format that feeds your soul.
Step 3: Listen for Guidance
And now is the part where you just step fully into trust to see what message the Universe and your soul has for you at this juncture in your life. The year is wrapping up and you will soon be getting lots of change energy from some eclipses at the start of the new decade. Write down any message or image that your soul presents to you and really have a conversation about your purpose, your spiritual growth, and your inner strength.
You will find this to be the most rewarding relationship in your life because your soul truly knows what is best and how to heal your perspectives. This intuitive process is easier on a highly spiritually charged day like the winter solstice.
After you’ve written down what seems to come to you, reread everything and spend some time reflecting on what it means to you
Congratulations on completing your winter solstice soul check. This is a time when you can celebrate your spiritual side by taking time out in nature to just feel your connection to it. You may also want to get together with friends to do some intention setting or get a tarot reading that will help to confirm what you already feel in your heart.
There are no wrong ways to celebrate winter solstice so find something that feels fun to you whether that is spending time in quiet meditation or celebrating in your own special way.
Happy Winter Solstice, Friends!
Related Article: Winter Self Care for Your Zodiac Sign