A Guided Meditation for the Winter Solstice
Guided meditation can help us visualize a positive future and now that we are on the brink of 2021. Astrologers and mystics would argue that the winter solstice is the perfect time to do a meditation to spark the fire of spiritual inspiration within us.
The winter solstice is a time of rebirth that reminds us the stiffness of winter will begin to thaw, nature will be able to start to grow her new buds, and we can use our inner fire to cast light on new possibilities for our lives.
This winter solstice meditation will allow you to firmly set your intention to reflect on the lessons you have learned from this year and move forward into 2021 with optimism.
Looking for more guided meditations? We post a daily guided meditation that can help soothe your soul, calm your mind, and guide your day with intention.
What is the Winter Solstice?
If you are not familiar with the winter solstice, it marks the shortest day and longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere on December 21st. From this point on, the days will start to get longer, bringing more sunshine into our lives. This marks the beginning of a new cycle in our lives.
Today’s theme is about soul rebirth.
This means we get to shed the heaviness around our hearts and welcome the fresh inspiration that the holiday season points us to… our light, our sparkle.
Guided Meditation for the Winter Solstice
Step 1: Feel Comforted & Relaxed
Find a place where you are warm and cozy.
Imagine you are in a cocoon.
Feeling relaxed and held, sense the anticipation for the moment of rebirth that is about to take place. Your soul wants you to first flush all the feelings of stress and worry that you’re holding from this past year.
The winter solstice cycle allows you to flush those old energies that are no longer necessary to hold.
Step 2: Reflect on Your Strengths
Imagine water rushing over your skin, leaving you feeling fresh, bright-eyed, and confident. Take a moment to ask your soul what strengths you’re bringing with you into the new year.
- What strengths have you seen in yourself this year that became more prominent?
- Perhaps you became creative, independent, supportive, or even resilient?
These strengths will help you create in the year to come.
Read this article next: Why You Need to Build Resilience
Step 3: Connect to Your Light
It is now time to reconnect to the light that is and always will be the core of your spiritual self and help you find a resurgence of optimism.
Picture a white light in your stomach that doesn’t burn but is pure creative energy. It is the very same energy that creates the world and runs through the fabric of nature.
This light, as you focus on it, becomes brighter, filling each of your cells, bringing them to life. They begin to dance, to get in tune with the other molecules of the Universe that hold this light.
There is a sense that everything is alright.
The energy wants to move, and you sense it will inspire you to follow your curiosity.
See, for a moment, a few glimpses of yourself, doing what you love in the new year. You are smiling, you feel alive, and things are going well. You are growing and finding you have so much to still experience, and so much goodness is unfolding.
Notice how you feel in this winter solstice rebirth, this reliable annual transformation, this alchemical moment of coming back to your true self.
This feeling is what you will ride like a magic carpet into 2021.
You will be able to follow this feeling of lightness intuitively in the year to come, with a sense of ease and joy. We know the future is bright for you.
Start the New Year on a Healing Note
As you begin this winter season, make a list of things that help you stay close to your spiritual center. You may want to place this list somewhere you will see each day as we embark upon the new year.
Try doing some daily meditation, gentle breathwork, a movement like yoga, and inspirational reading. Anything that stimulates your creativity and allows you to relax is fantastic for your soul.
Thank you for going on this journey with us today. We hope you feel connected to this online community of souls here to support you on your journey and make 2021 fabulous!
Related article: A Guided Meditation to Relieve Stress & Tension