Male Body Positivity: Let's Talk About It
Happy International Men’s Day!
I have a proposition, but first, I’ll let you know a secret: Men face many of the same issues as women do in relation to body positivity and self-esteem.
It’s time we talked about them.
Yes, I’m aware of how that sounds and how the typical reader will react to this sentiment, but stick with me! Today as we raise awareness of men’s body positivity, let’s talk about how we can make active changes rather than just checking in on various social media platforms and news outlets to see flowery language and no real change.
Okay, time for the proposition!
Let’s Be Proud of Our Bodies, Boys
Dudes, be proud of your body, you only get one of them. You can make changes, you can shed some pounds, gain pounds, cut/grow your hair, color it or embrace the greys… This list is endless, but I challenge you with a question you may have never
The number one thing I hear the most about the disparity between men and women’s appearances is, “Men get to age gracefully, women have to keep working at it.”
This sentiment is confusing to me, as it seems ridiculous to assume that men don’t have to do anything, leave it up to chance, and somehow look like Donald Sutherland or the Dos
While you don’t
Facing Societal Pressure & Norms
Men often face
- “I like the bad-boy type.”
- “Nice guys finish last.”
- “Dad-bod.”
- “I need my man to be taller than me. I don’t like short guys.”
- “I like a strong man, someone who can just pick me up.”
- “I need a man that has strong facial features.”
- “I want my man freshly shaved.”
- “I want a man with a beard.”
- “I don’t date bald guys.”
- “That hairline is atrocious.”
You get the picture, right? I could go on all day. I know you thought about it while reading those, so consider, how many of you have said any of these?
Yes, personal taste is a thing and you don’t have to
The Difficult Truth about Male Self-Image
To the outsider, it seems very easy being a man. I’ve heard the joke a million times: “All you have to do is take a shower, throw on some jeans and a t-shirt, and you’re good to go.” And I
Men & Eating Disorders
From a very young age,
There is immense pressure in being a man and
Related Article: What You Need to Understand About Body
In Conclusion…
The point of this article isn’t to compare experiences or deem that one group has it harder than another. The point of this is to let you know that embracing your body, being positive, and being the best version of yourself (whatever that might be) is just as important an issue for men as it is for others.
Know this: You are never alone in your struggles, we’re all human and we all seek to improve ourselves on the inside and out, and accepting what is within
Remember that reaching out is not a weakness, loving yourself is not unmasculine, and you are beautiful.
Read next: 5 Body-Positive Social Media Accounts You Should Be Following