The Best Workout for You, Based on Your Enneagram Personality Type
If you’re looking for a workout that fits you like a glove, look no further!
It can often be a long and laborious task trying to find a workout that “works” for you. In fact, it can be so trying at times that it can even make you want to not work out at all - which completely defeats the purpose before it has even begun.
There are times when we have to take things to a deeper level to find out what works for us, especially when it comes to exercise, which can be a struggle for many people to get motivated.
This is where the Enneagram test comes in handy.
Workouts for Different Enneagram Types
Well, first of all, what is the Enneagram?
It is a personality typing system that determines how different people manage their emotions and interpret the world. According to the Enneagram system, everyone fits into one of nine categories.
The Enneagram system is, in fact, essential to understanding ourselves and the way we operate. This is a world of emotion; everything we do somehow comes back to our emotions.
In the world of movement, what is it that stops you from exercising?
Usually, it is because it feels unpleasant. Or you feel you can’t be bothered. Or you feel like doing something else.
These feelings are based on our emotions, and the Enneagram system is all about emotions. Therefore, an Enneagram workout helps you find the right workout to feel motivated to do it!
Read this article next: The Enneagram Test: Who Are You Deep Down?
Which Workout is Your Match, Based on Your Enneagram Personality Type?
So which workout is best for you based on your Enneagram type? Read on to find out!
Type 1: The Reformer
As a Reformer, you are someone who values structure and logic to achieve your goals. You can work a long time to reach your aspirations. Running, jogging and swimming are especially good for you.
Even if you have not tried these workouts before, don’t despair. They correlate with your natural character, and the more you get into them, the more you’ll adapt. Start slow if you are a beginner and work your way up.
Type 2: The Helper
As a Helper, you are someone who loves helping others, so much so that you tend to neglect yourself at times. Zumba is a good workout for you because it is fun, and you thrive in group activities.
Another good workout that matches your character is jogging because it is not too strenuous, but you have the capacity to achieve it, especially the longer you practice.
Type 3: The Achiever
As an Achiever, you are someone who, as the name suggests, likes to achieve!
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is perfect for you as it triggers that determined and ambitious side to your character. You are someone who pushes yourself, and HIIT gives you that.
Type 4: The Individualist
As an Individualist, you’re not someone who likes any old boring routine. You need something fun, dynamic, and, above all, changeable. Of all the types, it is important for you to keep changing up your exercise regime so that you stay motivated and interested.
Dancing and strength-training are perfect for you. Strength-training pushes you to go beyond your limits, and dancing is fun enough to keep your interest!
Discover your perfect mantra with: A Mantra for Each Enneagram Personality Type
Type 5: The Investigator
As an Investigator, you are someone who likes to analyze and prod. You are a curious person who enjoys things that make you think.
Tennis is one workout that is especially good for you as it requires mental concentration and physical. Yard work such as raking and digging is also a great workout for you. For building your strength, try climbing the stairs up and down and counting, as this is sure to get your cerebral side fired up.
Type 6: The Loyalist
As a Loyalist, you are unwavering and committed. You need something that demands your full attention, and this is why interval training is such a great workout for you.
Interval training involves so many different exercises and equipment, whether it's weights, resistance bands, kettlebells, or even just your own body weight. You are willing to wait to see results, and you’ll work hard for long-term gains.
Type 7: The Enthusiast
As an Enthusiast, you are the life and soul of the party; life becomes a lot more interesting when you’re around!
Your ideal workout is much like you - fun and unpredictable. Hula Hoop dancing is a great way for you to enjoy working out right now. Blast your favorite songs on repeat and get that hoop swinging! This is a surefire way for you to enjoy a good workout.
Type 8: The Challenger
As a Challenger, you are the fighter of the Enneagram. You’re determined to win, no matter what.
Something challenging, as your name suggests, is your best type of workout. Kickboxing is a great workout for you, bringing out your fighting competitive spirit and giving somewhere for your pent-up energy to be released.
Type 9: The Peacemaker
As a Peacemaker, you are gentle and empathetic; your compassion is legendary.
You require a workout that is peaceful like you, so yoga or Pilates are wonderful choices for your easy-going nature. Similarly, swimming laps has a wonderful effect on you as you are more connected to water than most.
Which Workout Will You Connect With?
Now that you know which Enneagram workout is best for you, all you have to do is implement it into your routine!
2021 marks the start of a fresh new year. It has been tough so far, but one thing we can do is make the best of what we can. We may not control everything that happens, but we can control what is in our own power.
Part of this is embracing a healthy lifestyle and motivating ourselves to become the best of who we are. If one of your 2021 resolutions was to become healthier and move your body a bit more, the Enneagram workouts could help you do that as it matches your core personality.
Even if working out wasn’t one of your resolutions, try them out anyway. Exercise doesn’t just help you feel better about how you look on the outside. It helps a great deal on the inside too!
Try your Enneagram workout and see how it works for you.
Related article: How Exercise Can Improve Your Mental Health