Winter Holidays to Renew Your Soul
It’s that time of year when we start to crowd the malls and pull out our baking supplies. We are mailing cards and planning our party itineraries, but how do we use this time to renew our soul? We came up with some fun holiday ideas to help you grow spiritually during this holiday season. As business slows down and people are more relaxed, it’s a great time - perhaps the perfect time - to rekindle your relationship with your soul so you can carry the warmth of your spirit with you all next year.
We have 5 fun winter holiday ideas for you that don’t have to cost a lot. Maybe one of these could become a tradition for you! Getting out of our routines and taking time to indulge in the present moment to listen to our hearts while relaxing by a fire is not only valuable, but truly a necessary act of self-love. No matter what type of weather or budget you have, you can find one of these ideas that will work for you!
1. Take a Stay-cation!
Nothing is less expensive than turning off your phone, turning on the holiday music, and baking some good old fashioned sugar cookies. Have a movie marathon of your favourite holiday movies after you’ve spent the day decorating your house and listening to Christmas music. Invite a friend over who doesn’t take themselves too seriously for a weekend of eggnog and wrapping presents. Your soul will enjoy the relaxation, the fun, and the flavours.
2. Rent an AirBnB in the Mountains.
See if you can find a cabin with a woodstove, grab some hot chocolate, an inspiring book, and get your favourite ingredients for your favourite meal. Let yourself soak in the tub, sleep in and eat without rushing. Reading and being in nature is a great way to renew your soul connection and unplug from work, stress and busyness. Bring a journal and write down what you hope to do in the new year and what you want to leave behind you this year, whether it’s a habit, a way of thinking, or a stinky old boyfriend who isn’t that nice anyway.
3. Attend a Lights Show or Drive Through Decorated Neighborhoods
This is a cheap and relaxing way to let your heart whisper to you what it truly wants. When we do something just for pleasure, our soul can start to awaken again. If you’re someone that often does things because of responsibility, obligation, or to help others, do something just for fun that you wouldn’t normally do. Take your time and let your mind feel the magic that so many people enjoy in connecting to love, joy, and peace that we highlight during this celebratory time.
4. Go Skiing or Try a Winter Sport
Trying something new will build your confidence and filling your lungs with fresh air is great for your mind/body and soul. This fun activity can be done in a group or alone and when you’re on top of the mountain your soul will feel a connection to the people laughing their way down the mountain, losing skis and getting up after falling. Think of it as a metaphor for life, attitude is everything! While you’re on a ski lift, try to relax as much as possible and feel what your heart truly wants to say to you. Being in a new environment allows you to perceive your heart’s voice because you aren’t distracted by your own routine.
5. Attend a Holiday Class at a Local Yoga Studio
Most yoga studios plan something for the holidays because not all of us can afford to go on expensive retreats - but we can get away from our stress by attending a holiday-inspired yoga class. This holiday season, give a gift to your soul in the presence of a healer or teacher who knows how to nurture a spiritual connection. If you look, you’ll probably find more than one event or class that piques your interest. Many studios even do a midnight yoga class to bring in the new year. This might cost $40 or so and can even allow you to connect to health-minded people that could become new friends.
Concluding Thoughts…
While lots of people may be overindulging on sugar and spiked ‘nog, you can get out your blender and make some delicious smoothies. Get up early and go for a walk. Stretch before bed and join a local yoga studio. Start your new year out feeling like a million dollars and be a good influence on those who fall into the holiday party scene and get the flu because they stop taking care of themselves.
Also, when it comes to shopping, think about how you could save money and do more sentimental gifting this year. Baking, making art, or even finding some articles online that would help improve someone’s health and well-being could make a great and thoughtful gift. Truly, the best holidays are when we focus on giving instead of making ourselves feel better. You’ll never feel better than when you’re focused on bringing a smile to someone else!
Related Article: How To Not Freak Out About Your Finances This Holiday Season