Mini Meditation with Patti - Ocean & Wave Breath
Hello Daily Life Family, and welcome to Mini-Meditations. This project is something I am passionate about, a blending of self-discovery and personal transformation. My daily practice of meditation is a multivitamin for my soul, and it has been (and continues to be) essential along my journey of self-discovery.
My name is Patti Tucker, and all my life I have searched for greater meaning.
Who AM I, why AM I here?
It was these questions that led me on my own journey of self-discovery, and today, I get to share my experiences of that search with you.
Along the way, in my training to become a shaman, many truths were revealed to me, truths that I now get to share with you. It is my hope that you sit back and allow me to lead you to a place where peace becomes your companion and liberation is your friend.
Anais Nin once said, “the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
At a time in my life where I should have been content and happy living high in the status quo, a powerful energy intervened in my life. I knew in every cell of my body that life was asking me to take a leap of faith, to take BIG chances. One of these chances included resigning from a high-profile job as film commissioner to study extensively with a medicine man. Shortly after receiving my medicine rites as a shaman/healer, I wrote my memoir, A String of Pearls, shining a whole new light on RISK. Prompted by the inner voice of my soul, I travelled to India where I met my guru, with whom I still study today.
In my shaman training, many truths were revealed to me, truths that I now get to share with you. It is my hope that you sit back and allow me to lead you to a place where peace becomes your companion and liberation is your friend.
What are Mini-Mediations?
Meditation is an antidote for stress, which is the number one cause of nearly all health-related issues. Yet, many people understandably struggle to find the time for this treatment amidst the bustle of daily life.
A daily practice of meditation can lower blood pressure, stimulate the release of healthy hormones, and strengthen the immune system. Studies have proven that just 5 minutes of meditation a day can significantly improve a person’s health and wellness. These mini-meditations are an easier pill to swallow, yet just as packed with nourishment. They can be used at any time or place to achieve balance and peace of mind in just a few quiet minutes.
The Ocean & Wave Breath
The ocean and wave breath is a great practice for calming the seas of our minds, and is most beneficial when you feel disconnected and your energy levels feel depleted. It will offer you an opportunity to recharge, replenish, and reconnect to the vast and unlimited energy supply that flows inside you.
Additionally, the ocean and wave breath will give you the opportunity to experience a stillness that resides within each and every one of us. When we rest in the awareness of the breath, we weave a thread of peace and calm throughout our physical being that will have a lasting and positive effect on mind, body, and soul.
Albert Einstein stated, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
Allow your imagination to take you to a world that when explored, will welcome you home. Your imagination is a powerful tool to visualize the wave and the ocean, let yourself ignite the imagination of your inner child. The more you feel and see, the more you will receive. Hold the trust and faith that even if you don’t see or experience something, you are still receiving.
For optimal results, find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. You will create a safe and sacred space by finding a comfortable setting, one that is void of distraction. Minimize distraction, maximize comfort is my motto when I meditate. I tend to gravitate towards my home office; I turn off all devices and play soft meditation music in the background.
Weather permitting, you may want to immerse yourself in nature. Being with the sounds of nature is a wonderful way to connect to source energy, especially if you are near water. The sounds of Mother Nature easily escort us into a deep peace that nurtures our soul.
How Meditation Affects Your Body’s Energy
We must take responsibility for our energy, and meditation is a great place to begin. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, and at our core, we are all comprised of pure, universal energy. This non-physical energy is all around us, and we are either receiving this energy or resisting it at all times, whether we’re aware of it or not.
Because of the universal law of attraction, we want to ensure the energy we are putting out is the energy we wish to receive. Meditation allows us to re-establish a vital connection to the energy that sustains all life, consciousness, and existence, the energy that we are made of.
The more space and time you allow yourself, the more revitalized and balanced you will feel. Stress will begin to slowly fade away as you withdraw from the hectic pace of daily life and replace it with vital source energy.
Concluding Thoughts…
I use this meditation when I sense a need to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The external world can distract us from our energetic center, stimulating our senses and crowding our minds with useless information. When the mind becomes filled with noise and damaging, limiting thoughts, this creates a disruption in our internal energy field.
Give yourself the gift of peace and commit to a daily meditation practice. Take my word for it, you will never regret it. One small step into stillness is better than a step never taken. Your mind, body, and soul will continue to show you gratitude in a multitude of ways as you set sail to explore an inner world filled with magic and mystery.
Related Article: Mindful Gardening - How to Turn Gardening into Meditation