How to Spread the Love on a Local & Global Scale
The Beatles triumphantly sang, “All You Need is Love.” And when it comes down to it, love is really all you need. In other words - and not to sound overly cliche - spread love. And now is as good of a time as any to do so!
The world desperately needs more positive vibes right now. Individuals are struggling, Local and global businesses are struggling, and we could all use some extra love. Love can go a long way in bringing others up in a world where it feels like a lot of us are being cut down.
Robert Waldinger was the director of the longest study on happiness that lasted 75 years. What did this study uncover? Robert Waldinger stated, “Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. Period.”
Why Spreading Love is Important
Love is the soul and root of each relationship, it brings people up and brings people together. It’s meaningful. And our interactions with each other and our relationships matter the most (the 75-year study proves this).
With so much negativity in the world, we could all do with a little more love. In fact, spreading love has so many benefits!
Putting positive vibes out in the universe can even improve your physical health. When you’re spreading love or surrounded by the people you love, your body releases your feel-good hormones, these include oxytocin and dopamine, which also boost your mood as well.
Psychology experts also claim that people who are more positive and have more love in their lives are less likely to experience depression or anxiety. These individuals manage stress better through self-love and the support of their trusted social circle.
Basically, it seems like you’ve got nothing to lose by spreading a little bit of love. But potentially you have a lot to gain - as do others! So, how can you spread the love?
Ways to Spread Love on A Local Level
Sometimes we forget to send love into our own community, so here are 8 ways you can spread the love locally.
1. Say ‘Thank You’
Voicing words of appreciation when someone helps you out means more than you think. By acknowledging the other person and saying thanks, you are signaling to them that you see them. In a world where we are constantly distracted by our phones or other technology devices, this counts for a lot.
Thank your server at the restaurant that just opened back up around the corner. It’s tough getting back to work after so much time off and with so many new regulations and restrictions.
Thank your cashier at the grocery store or pharmacy. They’ve been working through the entire pandemic, despite fears and uncertainty. Technically, they are part of the front line.
Thank your friend for listening to you vent for the last half hour. Show your appreciation. You know how it feels to receive it. Start giving it out more!
2. Give Out Compliments
Now, don’t be fake - that’s not the point here! And don’t give praise where it isn’t needed. But if someone looks particularly nice today, tell them. Even if you feel shy about speaking to a stranger, remember how it feels to get a compliment out of the blue. So, if you think something positive about someone else, why not voice it out loud?
If you’re surprised by how hard your co-worker is working, recognize it, and tell them you’re impressed. A lot of people have been working full-time while also trying to keep their young children occupied. It’s tough work.
People love compliments and recognition because, simply, it makes them feel good and important. So, if appropriate, don’t hold back.
3. Support Local Businesses
Want to order takeout? Go local! Looking for a quick gift for a friend? Try a local shop online.
Undeniably, local businesses have been suffering. Some of them had to close for months at a time with no real money in the bank to fall back on or some have even closed their doors for good. While it may be a bit more expensive than shopping from a site like Amazon, it’s important to consider where your money is going and how you can spend to make the best impact in your community.
If you love a local business in your town, now is that time to support it more than ever because they need you! If you want them to stick around, start using them more and encourage your friends and family to do the same.
Related Article: The Benefits of Supporting Local
4. Buy A Loved One Flowers or A Small Gift
Flowers and small tokens of affection show your loved ones that you are thinking of them. It doesn’t have to be for a special occasion, what it’s really about is showing them you care and love them. Think, isn’t there something so soul-fulfilling about receiving something with the preface “it made me think of you,” surrounding it?
It could be picking up takeout from their favorite restaurant, buying their favorite bath bomb, or even sending them a playlist you made. Showing you love, care, and are thinking about those closest to you speaks volumes to the other person. Actions speak louder than words, and they reaffirm your love to those who need it the most.
5. Call Someone You Love and Tell Them
A call just to say you love them is rare. In fact, calling people, in general, has become a less common event. We frequently text our family and friends, but how long has it been since you’ve picked up the phone?
Give your mom, dad, sister, or brother a call to remind them how much you care. If your grandparents have been in isolation, give them a call and tell them how much you miss them.
Actually talk to them using your voice as opposed to texting will strengthen those relationships, and chances are they’ll appreciate it more than you think!
6. Let Someone Cut Ahead of You
This is a small token of kindness and it really is not going to make a difference in your day. While we might not even think much of it, it can make someone else’s day a little easier, with less hassle involved.
Letting someone in when you don’t have to is a great way to spread love to people you’ve never met. You don’t even have to talk to them but you have single-handedly reduced some of their stress - which is all a person can ask for in traffic.
So next time, let that person in. Wouldn’t you love it if someone did that for you when you needed it?
7. Ask Your Cashier, Server, or Barista How They Are
Customer service workers deserve recognition for their hard work and kindness. Something as simple as asking how your barista, cashier, delivery driver, or server is could make an impact on their day that ripples and creates kindness for others. They rarely get asked this, but ask it of others all day long. So ask, and truly make it a positive and active interaction, instead of a passive one by listening and responding.
Think about how your mood changes when someone treats you with respect versus someone who barely notices you are there. So, check-in with them. They’re people too!
8. Support Vulnerable Groups
This could be as simple as donating money to a homeless shelter in your city or donating clothes to a charity. Following certain accounts on social media, signing a petition, joining a protest - anything that can help others have their voice heard.
Homeless people in your area need your love and support. Do you walk by the same person every single day who is struggling? Talk to them, show them kindness, and grab them a sandwich from a nearby store or restaurant - or if it is a particularly cold day, buy them a hot chocolate. Remember, the small stuff matters.
It can be difficult to start the conversation, but if we are in a position to be helping out in our area - we should be. Right now, we need to help each other out so here is your starting point.
Ways to Spread Love on A Global Scale
The world could always use some more love - here are 3 ways you can spread the love globally right now!
1. Spread Positivity on Social Media
The media, in general, tends to be full of negativity. Unfortunately, bad news sells, but you can be a light among the darkness. You have the power to create the feed you want to see, you can curate love by posting positive messages and put good vibes out there.
Another great way to spread love on social media is to share smaller creators’ work, promote small businesses, and share positive articles/thought pieces for others who follow you to enjoy. One retweet may not feel like much, but it could get an artist their first commission or small business the sale that keeps the lights on.
It might not seem like much because it is small, but we have so much more power than we think, even when we only have 2 followers.
Related article: Instant Connection: The Upside of Social Media
2. Use Your Voice - Support a Cause
Your voice matters! Find a cause you care about and support them in whatever capacity you can. Make sure you do your research on this one, as not every organization has clear motivators.
Not sure what to donate to? Look up Black Lives Matter. There is a huge movement happening right now and you - too - can be part of it and make a difference. We can all do our part here. So, start giving back or signing a petition. Doing so can impact worlds.
Another one of you can support is The Spread Love Project. This project is all about spreading love and good across the globe. Started by Nicholas Konert, it’s a movement that has gained momentum through media attention and collaborations with other do-good organizations.
Essentially, it’s all about pointing out the good - even in a small heart sticker. The Spread Love Project has even become a global symbol for spreading love and compassion. Become part of it today!
3. Find a Pen Pal
Sometimes there are complete strangers out there who need the love and connection that you can provide. One of our favorite organizations that facilitates this is writeaprisoner.com. You can set up written communication with incarcerated people and, as the website states, change a life.
Another great website to find a penpal is Caged Ladies, this website focuses on female inmates who are seeking connection to others and are interested in exchanging letters, books, and more.
There are many, many seniors facilities looking for connection as well. With no-visitor rules in place to keep us - and them - protected and safe, many folks who have to be in a hospital, assisted living or old-age homes are probably feeling pretty left out and hopeful for some connection.
CNN did a great article on this - so simply Googling 'Write a Senior,' can get you started in your community - or anywhere else in the world where people are looking for connection and support. You might make a lifelong friend in the process.
Sending Good Vibes
We only get a short time on this planet. Use it to spread more love and kindness! The world knows we could always use a little more. And you probably could too!
If we could spread love as quickly as hate and negativity, imagine how great this world could be. Let people leave your presence happier than when they entered it! Giving makes all the difference - for others and for you.
Want to learn more ways to spread the love? Read about the 10 Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do Today.