Everyday Essentials: How to Use Essential Oils in Your Daily Life
With the spread of holistic healing modalities from ancient cultures thanks to the Internet, essential oils are making a big comeback. Since most essential oils are easily accessible, inexpensive, and multi-use, it’s really no surprise that more and more people are beginning to look towards oils as supplements and occasionally as alternatives in their wellness practices.
Essential oils can help regulate energy, emotions, and assist in spiritual healing. They can be used for times when you feel overwhelmed at work, they can help you cultivate a romantic evening and they can even help you focus to study for a test. While there are hundreds of healing oils that may seem overwhelming to learn about, today we’re going to start you off with the basics of the most common oils so you can pick one or two to try out.
Essential oils are great wellness resources anyone can use throughout the day; just make sure that you’ve done proper research and spoken to a doctor before you ingest or apply any essential oils to your body or someone else’s.
How to Use Essential Oils Every Day
Integrating essential oils into your daily routine is just about having them handy and getting in the habit of thinking of using them when you want help with your emotions, energy, or even some physical issues. A lot of people own essential oils but don’t quite know how to use them.
Essential oils often come in packs, but you can purchase any oil individually. Note that not all of them can be ingested and even the ones that can often need to be diluted. Read the label on each oil or look up how to use each oil before putting it on your skin or using a drop on your tongue.
Here are some easy ways to start using essential oils today:
Diffuse your essential oils. Diffusers are reasonably priced and often come with essential oils to start you off.
Use essential oils during massage. Use 10-15 drops in a carrier oil (like olive oil or jojoba oil). Check with the manufacturer to be sure the oil you want to use is safe for topical use.
Some essential oils can be applied topically. 2-3 drops applied to the bottom of the feet, pulse locations, or the temples is common. You can also put a few drops of an oil on an area that hurts. Check with the manufacturer if each oil is safe for topical use.
Use them for aromatherapy In your bath. Not all essential oils are good for baths because some can irritate the skin, so be sure to do your research or speak to a doctor before proceeding. You need only about 5 drops of most oils in your bath, or try out essential oil infused Epsom salts.
Carry some In your purse or gym bag. You might want to keep them in a sealed bag or container, or at least make sure the lid is securely fastened! That said, many essential oils can be purchased in roll-on bottles, so keep an eye out for those.
Keep a few essential oils In your desk. Keep a variety of oils that will help you when you need energy, need to calm down, focus, or get rid of a headache.
Driving anxiety or road rage? Keep some calming essential oils in the car. Of course, you wouldn’t want to keep them in the car in extreme heat or cold.
Keep essential oils by your bed to aid sleep. Having this reminder can help you start and finish your day with the aid of nature.
Use them In meditation and/or yoga. Many people like to use essential oils or oil blends to supplement their spiritual practices. Create an altar and place your oils on it so you see them when you sit down to meditate and are reminded to use them.
10 Commonly Used Essential Oils
Peppermint Oil
Many people use peppermint oil for headaches, and it is also the purest way to freshen your breath. It’s also used for muscle aches, colds, IBS, and itching among other things.
Patchouli Oil
This is a go-to oil for meditation or great for helping you stay calm and stress-free. It’s also anti-inflammatory, good for deodorant, wound healing, a good digestion aid, known to reduce cellulite and aid in weight loss.
Licorice Oil
Many people use licorice for stomach aches and indigestion. It is also helpful for healing the stomach lining and can help reduce nausea. It also can help with heartburn and help you have a strong immune system.
Rose Geranium Oil
This is one oil that repels insects and is used for relieving pain. It enhances your mood and promotes a balanced emotional state. It’s great for healing wounds and burns as well as reducing inflammation. It is also an aphrodisiac.
Lavender Oil
This natural sleep aid can also help you with your anxiety. Its antiseptic properties can help with wounds, bug bites and burns. Its calming effect may help with ADD or ADHD. It is also a known aphrodisiac. It’s common to use lavender oil for bed by diffusing it or placing it on your temples, wrists and chest.
Eucalyptus Oil
This is often used to help with cold symptoms, respiratory issues, skin conditions and arthritis. It can be used for mouthwash and clearing the mind. It helps clear the nasal passage and can help with seasonal allergy symptoms.
Orange Oil
Orange is an energy oil commonly used for boosting your vitality as well as helping you maintain an optimistic attitude. It’s calming, helps circulation and heart health. It is good for dermatitis, acne, hair health, inflammation and it’s antiseptic.
Bergamot Oil
This oil is good for releasing fear or negativity. It’s also used for the liver, skin, cholesterol and blood sugar. It’s often added to earl grey tea and as well as perfume. It can help reduce anxiety and let you relax to get a good night’s rest.
Cedarwood Oil
This stress relieving oil is often used to keep mould away as well as insects. It has great effects on the mind and can help you think clearly. It can help relax and overactive mind and induce a relaxed, calm and focused state.
Ylang Ylang Oil
This oil is used to combat depression and fatigue. It is also good for heart health, reducing high blood pressure, killing bacteria and it is an aphrodisiac. It’s also used for menopause, PMS and cramps.
Closing Thoughts
Now you know some of the many ways in which essential oils can help your physical health as well as your personal growth and development. Essential oils are organic and most come without harmful side effects. They also don’t have the addictive properties that you risk with sleep aid pills, depression and anxiety pills, or even pain medication. That makes them a great resource to turn to to alleviate some of your symptoms - although it’s important to remember not to try to use essential oils to replace medications or professional medical help.
Essential oils are easily found online, at health food stores, and even most grocery stores in the pharmacy or natural foods aisle. Look for brands that are pure without an alcohol base because they are more effective in their undiluted form. Stay empowered with your armory of essential oils and share the protection of your greatest asset, your health, with your loved ones.
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